Welcome to Duffey!

Please see our events page for a church happenings and details.

Duffey Memorial Methodist Church

100 N. Elm Street

Moorefield, WV 26836


Rev. Mark Flynn, Pastor


9:45am Sunday school for all ages
11:00am Sunday morning service
6:30pm Monday Youth Group
6:30pm Tuesday AWANA Program

First Sunday of the month is Holy Communion.


Our mission as a Methodist congregation is to Make Disciples of Jesus Christ for the Transformation of the World.


TO SERVE AND WORSHIP Almighty God and the Lord Jesus Christ

TO PREACH the Good News to all people

TO IMPACT the Community and the World for Jesus Christ


Duffey Memorial Methodist Church is a medium-sized congregation of 335 members. We have a strong children’s ministry through our Tuesday night AWANA Program serving over 100 children ages preschool thru high school. We offer Sunday School for all ages. Our Sunday morning worship is intergenerational and blended in format. We hold regular prayer and praise services with guitars and contemporary music.


Sunday Morning Worship:

  • 9:45 Sunday school for all ages
  • 11:00 Sunday morning worship service with special music by Duffey Choir, Bell Choir, Band or other talented musicians
  • Nursery and Junior Church for all children under 12 during worship